The Spice & Spoon

By Sarah Anderson

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1. Fill out this form to place your order. (Place a separate order for each meal.)
2. I will send an invoice. Payment can be made via Venmo or Credit Card.
3. Pickup on Glacier Ave on the date of the chosen meal.

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In this delightful corner of the internet, you’ll find a treasure trove of recipes that not only taste amazing but are crafted with love and care. From mouthwatering desserts to savory delights, Sarah invites you into her kitchen to witness the magic that happens when passion meets a frying pan!

But that’s not all. This blog is more than just a collection of recipes. It’s a glimpse into the lifestyle of a teen chef who’s carving her path in the world of food. You’ll discover behind-the-scenes moments, cooking tips, and insights into Sarah’s culinary journey, sprinkled with a generous dose of fun.




As a 16-year-old self-taught chef, I’ve embarked on a culinary journey driven by passion, creativity, and a palate that craves extraordinary flavors. Cooking isn’t just a hobby for me; it’s an art form that allows me to express myself and bring joy to others through food. From intricate pastries to hearty comfort food, I’m always striving for that perfect balance of taste, texture, and presentation. Through my blog and social media channels, I share my culinary adventures, providing a glimpse into my creative process and offering tips for aspiring chefs. I’m excited to connect with fellow food enthusiasts and inspire them to explore the world of cooking.